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Welcome to my family blog. I have been married to Mike for over half of my life. I love my Savior, Jesus. I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to six terrific, interesting children. My 3 oldest were born to me in my younger years, while my 3 youngest were given to me by God in my older years. I am very blessed. ~Cheri


Annoying Friends

Yes, I have annoying friends.  I started noticing them about 5 years ago.  At first I ignored them.  Or at least I tried to.  I know other people that have annoying friends and deal with them just fine.  After a while, those friends brought more annoying friends.  They've become more noticeable to me.  I don't know what to do about them.  Sometimes they whisper ugly words to me, telling me things I did not want to hear.  Other times, their whispers tell me encouraging words.

No one really notices how annoying they really are.  Every now and then, one of the friends will stand up nice and tall for everyone to see and make a spectacle of herself.  Then I have to do something to calm her down.  Usually, I just spray her with something.  That seems to do the trick.  

I have been good about ignoring them.  Then a couple of weeks ago, my husband mentioned something about one of my annoying friends. He even went so far as to remove that annoying friend from my presence.  Maybe I should do something?  I'd love to just hire someone to "take them out" one by one, or all at once for all I care.  But, I'm too frugal to spend the money on them.  Before I know it, I'll be spending a lot of money taking care of all the friends that try to keep coming around.  I'm not sure if I'm ready to do that.

My husband has annoying friends, too.  His friends started coming around at least ten years ago, but he doesn't seem too bothered by them.  It is a good thing because he has more than twice as many friends as I have.

Oh, the dilemma!  For those who have "annoying friends", I'd love to hear what you do about them.  Maybe I'll wait until they come around faster than my hands can pluck them out or go bald trying!

8 kind words:


It took me forever to figure out what your annoying friends were! I know, I'm slow! I color mine every 4 weeks, I know...costly but it works! I'm tempted to do nothing and then I realized I would really look more like the girl's grandmother than mother so off I go to color!


LOL! I have started noticing those same "annoying friends" and haven't done anything, yet, but I will probably sometime in the future because I don't want more people, (than already do!) think I am Haleigh's grandmother!


I've been coloring (or to quote a friend "covering my gray")for well over a decade. My problem is that recently I've been busy and there's definitely frost on top. I'm afraid of the grandma comment, too.

Wendy in OH

And here the whole time I was thinking dandelions...

Matt and Maria

I had my husband dye my hair once, and we did just what it said, and left the dye on as long as the directions possibly allowed. My browns were a slightly different color, but my whites were still as white as they could be.

I'm just going to go with Prov. 16:31 here:

Grey hair is a crown of glory. It is gained in a righteous life.


The Mac Fam

I dont' have those kind of annoying friends, I have another kind. Mine can't be plucked and mine are much more expensive to fix but by golly I am gonna pay b/c with an almost 2 year old about to come home I am not about to hear the grandmother comment. It would be my undoing.
Oh and speaking of hubby's and their annoying friends, it seems horribly unfair that my hubby's annoying friends make him look even better. UGH!


I'm hoping to take after my grandpa & mom -- they both started fading to white. My mom has her hair highlighted and the whites seem to blend in. She's 57. I'm 37 & noticed my first white hair (smack dab in the middle of my hairline) a few years ago.


OH GOOD!!!!! Because I had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that you were talking about me and/or my husband. ;)

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