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Welcome to my family blog. I have been married to Mike for over half of my life. I love my Savior, Jesus. I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to six terrific, interesting children. My 3 oldest were born to me in my younger years, while my 3 youngest were given to me by God in my older years. I am very blessed. ~Cheri


Thankful Thursday

 To view our travel for Ivy, click here.

Welcome to our new blog! I had felt for a while that since this was our family blog, our old title, "Our Journey East" was somehow wrong. Yes, initially, our blog was for our adoption travels, but now it is to keep family and friends up-to-date on our happenings. I'd also like to take this first post to share some things with you all.

Many of you know our experience and heartache over the last few months. Some know more details than others. Regardless of the details, you all know that not being able to adopt Maggie was one of the most difficult things that has happened in our lives. Mike and I were truly filled with grief.

As I told someone else, this loss of Maggie has been like a pregnancy loss. For 10 months we anticipated and prepared for a new child. But it did not happen. I've lost children, so I do know both kinds of grief. After our losses of our daughters, then the twins, we were ready to try again. So, here we are. After some contact with our agency, we discussed asking China for another referral. It was not easy. There were some days I did not want to deal with it. But, in my heart, I felt that I had to ask or else I would never know if God had another child for us all along. China graciously has allowed us to have another referral. I won't bore you with details, but after many conversations and much praying and fasting, we are planning on adopting Ma Xue from Guangdong (same province as Joy). She is currently living in an orphanage and she is quite a cutie. Jordan remarked that she looks more Indian than Chinese. I agree. She is quite tiny. In the spring, Ma Xue weighed just under 35 pounds and is 46 inches tall. It doesn't seem she is much bigger than Eva. Just taller, I suppose.

So, we wait again. This whole adoption process will either drive me crazy or make me a very patient person. I think I've become a little bit of both. I've been hesitant to become excited. I don't know how family and friends will feel. I cannot help but consider the past. Maybe I've just become a bit more guarded, knowing that I don't have God all figured out, and that He is always amazing and surprising me each day of my life. I'm so thankful for His healing of our hearts and His graciousness towards His children. I'm humbled that He cares so much about little me.

ma xue 2

Cropped Ivy

17 kind words:

Wife of the Pres.

Just saw your post on RQ. I don't know what to say b/c I've not been where you are, but I am so thankful you are where you are now. Your words convey healing that only our Father could give.

And truly, Ma Xue's smile is just PRECIOUS. She does look to be tiny, but if she is anything like my tiny girl (also from China) she will be mighty in spirit!

Thanks for sharing so boldly. I have no doubt your post on RQ and on your blog will be healing to someone else who reads.


Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Just when you think you know the plan or think you have it figured out, God shows you his plan.

Shirlee McCoy

What a beautiful child. She has very soulful eyes.

Only God knows the path you should take so don't worry about what others think or say. You did what you had to for your family, and now you are doing what you must again.

God bless and give you as you journey toward Xue.


Oh, I have chills and tears! I am so happy for you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.

Is is so difficult to know the why - But we know His plan is GOOD - and looking at the precious face of this little girl we also know it is BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT!

You are such a testimony of faith and courage!~

I do understand guarded, but praises I know that feeling will not last forever. God's hand is in this! Your eyes have never left him, nor will they.
HUGS! I am celebrating with you!!!



Congratulations on your beautiful daughter's referral and so happy for you and your family. Your daughter is gorgeous!


Jolene Powell

She is adorable! Congratulations on your PA. I hope the rest goes smoothly.

Steve n Coco

Cheri, I seriously have tears in my eyes!! I saw your post on the waiting for LOA on RQ and I thought, "wait, isn't that...? OH MY GOSH!!!!" God bless you! What a road it has been for you and I can't wait to follow along.
Be blessed,
Courtney (stevencocoj on RQ)


Praising God with you for His marvellous grace!!! I shall continue to be with you in prayer and sweet friendship as you prepare to travel to meet precious Ma Xue!! And she is so beautiful!!



We're very happy for you, and we will be praying for you!

Deb, Russ, Lily, Lucy and Lainey

Hi Cheri,
We are very happy and excited for you and your family. We will be praying for you all. God bless you!!


I love her. She is just beautiful! Your news has blessed my heart. Hugs.


I am very excited for you and wish you the best!

God Bless,
Kelly O

Bobby and Regina

Congratulations!! I am so happy you will be brining another beautiful little girl home!! Love, Regina

praying that things will move along really fast!!

Susan Appleton

HOW WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! What a sweet little face!!!! Oh Cheri I am thrilled to death for you and will be praying that everything will go smoothly for you and your new little one. She looks like a little angel! God bless you!

The Hansons

What a beautiful family! We're so happy that Xue will soon be here too. She's precious!! We sure do miss seeing you. We need to get together soon!
God bless,
Renee for the Hansons

Mom to my China Posse

Congratulations, I am so happy for you. Kathy


I am so happy for you! She is beautiful!
Praying everything goes smoothly and
you breeze through the fingerprinting. ;)

We are still waiting to go get Piper! We
are supposed to travel in Oct. just waiting
on our TA.


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