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Welcome to my family blog. I have been married to Mike for over half of my life. I love my Savior, Jesus. I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to six terrific, interesting children. My 3 oldest were born to me in my younger years, while my 3 youngest were given to me by God in my older years. I am very blessed. ~Cheri


Merry Christmas!

I figured that it is time for an end of the year post.  Honestly, I'd post more often if my life was a little more exciting for people to read about.  It was different when we were adopting; even when the kids were little.  Now they are not so little anymore.  When I look at all my children, it's like our lives are on fast forward.  We had a wonderful year.  Through all the good times, sad times, God is always gracious to us.  I am so thankful for His Goodness!

Virginia is always good for hiking.  

And tree-climbing!

(Downtown Chicago)
We visited family and friends in Illinois.

We had a beautiful weekend in D. C. with the girls.  It was the first time Ivy visited the city.  Eva and Joy were very little the last time we were there.

Jordan came home for a nice long visit in May.  She is now out of the Navy and working and living in San Diego.  She is still too far away for my liking...but I enjoy every moment I do have with her.  Life threw us a curve-ball when her marriage ended.  It was a hard time for everyone.  But, again, God takes care of us and His love is amazing!  Jordan is marrying Nate in the spring! 

I've been spending more time with mom lately.  She has been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration.  Her eyesight is pretty bad, so my sisters and I decided to throw her a surprise birthday party.  It was a lot of fun for her and us!

We had three birthdays this fall.  Eva, Ivy, and Jack. 

Eva wanted a soccer net.

Jack just wanted money.

And, now that Ivy is 15, all she seems to want is money, also.  

We put our Christmas tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving this year.  Surprisingly, I couldn't wait to get it up because I wanted to see Abraham's reaction.  He has been very good with the tree.  He only messes with a few ornaments, but loves to go behind the tree to do his business.  

My favorite guys setting up the tree.  Abe enjoyed being part of it all.

The girls and I waiting on the men to finish their job, so we could decorate!

He is such a sweetie!

Merry Christmas!

4 kind words:


I'm so happy to see your post, Cheri!
You all are looking so good...Abraham is cute as can be!
How sweet to have the party for your mom! I'm glad she liked it! That's a good picture of you all together.
I'm sorry about Jordan, and I pray things will work out better for her this time.
Katie will be 20 in February, and is doing an apprenticeship to get her beautician license. It's amazing how time has flown by! Lee's mom passed away unexpectedly in September, so it's been a sad time for us, but God has been so faithful to give us the strength and comfort we need.
Please say hello to everyone for us! We miss you all and think of you often. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!


Looks like a good year overall and a wedding in the Spring!!! The girls are growing into beautiful young ladies. Time goes way to quickly. Merry Christmas!


So excited to see a new update! The girls have grown so much and your little grandson is adorable! Loved reading about everything!


So good to see your update! I'm almost shocked to see how much your younger kids have grown. I guess time doesn't stand still at your house, either! ;P Merry Christmas! :)

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