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Welcome to my family blog. I have been married to Mike for over half of my life. I love my Savior, Jesus. I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to six terrific, interesting children. My 3 oldest were born to me in my younger years, while my 3 youngest were given to me by God in my older years. I am very blessed. ~Cheri



It has been a very long time since I have gotten on my blog.  Life just happens, so the blog gets put on the back-burner.  I seem to spend more time doing a quick photo here and there on Instagram.  I'm Cheri in Virginia just in case anyone is still reading this blog.  IG needs less attention than a blog; suits my schedule better.

So, my life is kind of boring.  And, as crazy, hectic, sad, happy, and wonderful as the lasts seven years of my life have been....I'll take boring any day!  Sometimes it is good to have nothing of major significance going on in life.  It makes me take a look around and appreciate all that I have been blessed with.  (Warning!  Iphone photos ahead!  I rarely get the big camera out anymore.)

My, son, Jack is graduating this spring.  He has taken on a part-time job, and it makes me very proud of him.  My grandson, Abe, seems to admire his uncle in this photo.  But now, Abe seems a bit timid around him.

One of my favorite photos of Abe.  I know it's just his legs...but what great legs he has!

My girls are getting too big for their britches.  They are smart, clever, beautiful, fun, wonderful, and everything a mom could hope for. 

Because of the girls, there is always music in our home.  Ivy and Joy continue learning piano, while Eva plays violin.  It is fun hearing them make beautiful music together.  Abraham probably enjoys their music even more than I do.

Christmas 2016

Seth, Tia, and Abe.  I love them.  I'm so glad they live close by.  We cannot seem to get enough of that cutie Abraham.  It's amazing how much he looks like both his mom and dad.

He celebrated his first birthday.  The year went by way too quickly for all of us.

Those curls.  Adorable.  I know I am biased.  But, I can't help it; I won't lie!

Mike's dad came down last week for a great visit to celebrate Abraham.  It was such a wonderful time for him to be with his only great-grandchild.  

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